Instructor Guide

Interpreting in VR Settings:  Faces of Deaf Consumers

An infusion module for Interpreter Education Programs

Instructor Guide

This provides a brief guide to what is included in the module.

The Deaf Consumer:  This provides a variety of resources that speak to the diversity of consumers whom interpreters may encounter when working in vocational rehabilitation settings.

Situational Assessment: This provides a framework for students to assess both what it will be like to work with a particular consumer and whether an assignment is one they are qualified to accept.

Videos for Activities & Assessment: This contains a variety of resources and activities that connect to the content of the module.

The Deaf Consumer
Situational Assessment
Videos for Activities & Assessment

Pre/Post-Test (With Answers)

This assessment is provided in a variety of formats. You can download it as a Word document as well as a PDF that you can use to customize your own assessment. These are available below.

It is also provided in a more interactive format here to allow for more quick access. Click on a question to see the answers.

Holcomb identifies seven identity categories within the Deaf community. Please name three of these identities.
In the Consumer Assessment Identifying Language, Culture and Communication Style PowerPoint presentation by Jim Lipsky, he identifies eight communication styles in the Deaf community. Please name three of these styles:
The Report of the Study Group on Serving Individuals who are Low-Functioning Deaf identifies six characteristics of people who are Low-Functioning. Which of the characteristics below is not one of the Study Group findings:
The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) had a dramatic effect on Deaf Education. By emphasizing the Least Restrictive Environment, many school districts defined this as local schools instead of traditional state residential schools for the Deaf. What impact did this change have on the field of educational interpreting?
Name three communication approaches used in Deaf Education:
Dean & Pollard identify four areas of consideration for application of the Demand-Control Schema represented by the acronym, EIPI. Name these four areas:
Deaf Interpreters employ which of the following techniques:
Which of these steps may an interpreter use to ensure an effective interpretation after conducting a pre-assignment assessment:
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Editable Pre-Tests

The Pre-Test is available in the following formats:

Editable Google Form
Downloadable Pre-Test - Word Document

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